- The Prototype
- Research
Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Prerequisites: You should have installed Cultivate in your Eclipse.
At first the JTransformer Nature must be assigned to the project you are working on (here: JHotDraw). Right click the JHotDraw project in the Package Explorer of Eclipse. Select the menu entry Assign JTransformer Factbase in the sub-menu Configure in the context menu.
After assigning the JTransformer Nature, in the sub-menu Configure the option Convert to Cultivate Project will be available. Use this menu to assign the Cultivate Nature. The conversion of the project also enables a new sub-menu Cultivate Tools. This sub-menu provides the functionality to remove the nature and is the place were we will add possible future operations on the project.
Cultivate adds a basic perspective to Eclipse. This can be opened anytime by using the standard Eclipse Open Perspective menu.
Use the perspective if you want to explore your project in depth, especially if you are interested in structures.
All Views introduced by Cultivate are found in the standard Eclipse Open View dialog.
Some views are most useful if you just add them to your Java Development Perspective. This is especially true for exploring smells and metrics but also for the term cloud.