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catchT (#id, #parent, #enclMethod, #param, #body)

Represents the catcher in the try-catch statement. (See also: tryT)


#id: id
the unique ID assigned to this fact.

#parent: id
ID of the containing try statement.

#enclMethod: methodT, constructorT, classInitializerT
ID of the enclosing method declaration.

#param: paramT
ID of the declaration of an exception object.

#body: blockT
ID of the block containing the statements of this catch block part.

Sample Java Source

void myTryCatch(){
	String filename = "/Users/myfilename";
	try {
	    new File(filename).createNewFile();
	} catch (IOException e) {//corresponding code line to catchT
	    System.out.println("Unable to create "+filename+": "+e.getMessage());

Its PEF Representation

methodT(#Method, #Class, 'main', ...),
tryT(#Try, _, #Method, _, [#Catch], 'null'),   %Try
catchT(#Catch, #Try, #Method, #Param, #Block),     %Catch
paramT(#Param, #Catch, ...),
blockT(#Block, #Catch, #Method, ...),

AST Specification

     ast_arg(id,      mult(1,1,no ), id,  [catchT]), % <-- convention!!!
     ast_arg(parent,  mult(1,1,no ), id,  [id]), % <-- convention!!!
     ast_arg(encl,    mult(1,1,no ), id,  [methodT, constructorT, classInitializerT]),
     ast_arg(param,   mult(1,1,no ), id,  [paramT]),
     ast_arg(body,    mult(1,1,no ), id,  [blockT])
research/jtransformer/api/java/pefs/2.9/catcht.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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