Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Represents the class instance creation expression.
#id: id
the unique ID assigned to this fact.
#parent: id
ID of the parent node.
#encl: methodT, constructorT, classInitializerT, fieldT
ID of the fact that represents the enclosing element.
#constructor: constructorT, null
ID of the constructor invoked by this expression.
If the referenced constructor is a anonymous class constructor #constructor is 'null'.
[#arg_1,…]: expression
list of argument expressions in this class instance creation expression.
#type: parameterizedTypeT, typeRefT
ID of the fact referencing the class instantiated by this constructor call. ← Changed in JTransformer 2.6.0 was ID of an identt or selectt[1] fact, representing a simple type name or a full qualified type name respectively.
#anonClDef: classT, null
the anonymous class declaration introduced by this class instance creation expression, if it has one.
#encltype: expression, null
ID of the inner or member class constructor or ID of the anonymous class.
void myFunction(){ String mySting = new String(); }
methodT(#encl, ..., 'myFunction', [], #returntype, [], ...). localT(#parent, ..., #encl, #localtype, 'mySting', #id). newClassT(#id, #parent, #encl, #constructor, [], #typeref, 'null', 'null'). typeRefT(#typeref, ..., ..., #classid). classT(#classid, ..., 'String', ...).
ast_node_def('Java',newClassT,[ ast_arg(id, mult(1,1,no ), id, [newClassT]), % <-- convention!!! ast_arg(parent, mult(1,1,no ), id, [id]), % <-- convention!!! ast_arg(encl, mult(1,1,no ), id, [methodT, constructorT, classInitializerT, fieldT]), ast_arg(constr, mult(0,1,no), id, [constructorT, nullType]), ast_arg(args, mult(0,*,ord), id, [expressionType]), ast_arg(ref, mult(0,1,no), id, [parameterizedTypeT,typeRefT]), ast_arg(anonClDef, mult(0,1,no), id, [classT, nullType]), ast_arg(encltype, mult(0,1,no), id, [expressionType, nullType]) ]).