Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Represents the program element (method, catch clause, foreach loop) parametrized by this parameter declaration.
Renamed in JT 2.8: Up to 2.8.0 it was defined as paramDefT.
#id: id
the unique ID assigned to this fact.
#parent: methodT, constructorT, catchT, foreachT, lambdaT
ID of the enclosing PEF
#type: Types, unionTypeT
the id of the type of the parameter. It might be of type unionTypeT in case of a multi-catch in a try-catch.
'name': atom
the name of the parameter.
class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args){ //String [] args is the corresponding code part to paramT ... } }
methodT(#method, ..., 'main', [#param], #returnType, [], ...). paramT(#param, #method, #paramType, 'args').
ast_node_type_spec(paramT,[ ast_arg(id, mult(1,1,no ), id, [paramT]), ast_arg(parent, mult(1,1,no ), id, [methodT, constructorT, catchT, foreachT, lambdaT]), ast_arg(type, mult(1,1,no ), id, [type_inst, unionTypeT]), ast_arg(name, mult(1,1,no ), attr,[atomic]) ]).