Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
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Günter Kniesel
Günter has initiated JTransformer in 2002 and its language-independent, model-based successor, StarTransformer in 2004. He has been the driving force behind JT/ST, coordinating the efforts of the group members who contributed to the development and contributing himself the formal foundations and parts of the Prolog-side implementation.
Fabian Noth
Fabian joined us in April 2010 and has since then been a driving force in the implementation of generics, countless bugfixes, internal and external improvements, and – last but not least – the design and implementation of the Quick Fix infrastructure, the JTransformer Control Center and the Result view.
Andreas Becker
Andreas joined us in September 2010 and has since then congenially paired with Fabian in all the above-mentioned tasks. Beyond JTransformer Andreas and Fabian have provided significant contributions to the PDT.
Tobias Rho
In 2002, Tobias implemented the first version of JTransformer together with Uwe Bardey. After completion of his diploma, Tobias joined our group as a researcher and was the lead developer of JTransformer until 2013, when he left our group.
Uwe Bardey
In 2002, Uwe implemented the first version of JTransformer together with Tobias Rho.
In 2003 Uwe left the University to work as a consultant.
Lukas Degener
Lukas got involved with JTransformer in 2004 as a graduate student in an eXtreme Programming Course that created the first JTransformer plugin for Eclipse. He joined our team as a research student and took over the further development of the PDT. He turned it into an own Eclipse plugin that could be used independently of JTransformer. Lukas left our group by the end of 2008 to work as a consultant.
Stefan Schulz
Stefan got involved with JTransformer in 2004 as a graduate student in the eXtreme Programming Course that created the first JTransformer plugin for Eclipse. He joined the development team for roughly one year, contributing to the stability and improvement of the JT Eclipse plugin.
Alexis Raptarchis
Alexis got involved with JTransformer development in spring 2008 as a member of an Agile Software Development Course that focused on improving the usability of JTransformer. As a student research assistant he was part of the JTransformer development team until mid 2009.
Patrick Rypalla
Patrick got involved with JTransformer development in spring 2008 as a member of an Agile Software Development Course that focused on improving the usability of JTransformer. As a student research assistant he was part of the JTransformer development team until 2012.
Sebastian Jancke
In 2010, Sebastian taught JTransformer to tolerate Java 1.6 programs containing generics.
Jan-Paul Imhoff
From January to April 2010, Paul taught JTransformer to generate factbases that represent
generic types in Java 1.5.
A snapshot of our team in May 2010. From left to right: Alexis, Fabian, Markus, Günter, Paul, Jan, Tobias, Patrick.