Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
A strength of JTransformer is that it capable of doing analysis on the source code and transformations. In this section, we are writing a transformation that could be applied to code found by the System.out.println
detector from the "Write your own analysis"-Example.
If you want to learn what Conditional Transformations are and how you can use them (run a ct, run a sequence of cts, examine the results of a ct …) please have a look at this page: Conditional Tranformations. If you need more examples for transformations you can have a look at the Tutorial Project 1).
The transformation for our System.out.println
detector has to replace the call to System.out.println
by a call to a logging method. How the logging method can be detected has to be defined in the condition part of the ct.
:- multifile(user:ct/3). % Dont forget the declaration! user:ct( replaceSysoutWithLogging(CallId), % HEAD ( % CONDITION sysout_analysis:sysout_call(CallId,CallParent, Enclosing, FieldAccess, StaticTypeRef, Argument), % Call the analysis predicate and bind all IDs get_term(FieldAccess, FieldAccessTerm), % get the terms which should be deleted get_term(StaticTypeRef, StaticTypeRefTerm), classT(MyLoggerClass, _, 'MyLogger', _, _), % Get the ID belonging to class 'MyLogger' methodT(LoggingMethod, MyLoggerClass, println, _, MethodType, _, _, _), % ... and the ID for the logging method new_id(NewTypeRef) % NewTypeRef is a yet unused ID ), ( % TRANSFORMATION: delete(FieldAccessTerm), % delete the field access delete(StaticTypeRefTerm), % delete the static type reference replace(callT(CallId, CallParent, Enclosing, NewTypeRef, [Argument], LoggingMethod, [], MethodType)) % replace the existing callT fact with the new one % (call the logging method instead of System.out.println) add(staticTypeRefT(NewTypeRef, CallId, Enclosing, MyLoggerClass)), % add the static type reference to the class "MyLogger" ) ).