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Using Analyses (As) and Transformations (Ts)

This section gives an overview about the activation of JTransformer and its main components. It is recommended to use the JT User perspective when working with JTransformer (JTransformerJT User Perspective).

The perspective contains the following elements:

  1. the Package Explorer and
  2. the Outline.

Activate JTransformer for a project

Before JTransformer can be used on a Java project, it needs to be activated. This is done by assigning the JTransformer Nature to a project, select ConfigureAssign JTransformer Factbase in the context menu of a project.

In the upcoming dialog a factbase name needs to be defined. To every factbase there is one Prolog process. It is possible to use one factbase for multiple projects.
The default name is the name of the selected project.

The activation of JTransformer will trigger the initial generation of the factbase for the selected project. After the generation is finished the project icon will have a green JT overlay . From then on JTransformer will automatically update the factbase each time any Java source code is modified in the project.

Overview about the main components

Once JTransformer is activated for a project it is possible to load and run analyses, inspect the PEF, etc. The following table presents an overview.

The Control Center is the most important view.
It allows enabling/disabling of analyses, running of analyses,
inspecting analysis results and more.
The viewing and acting on analysis results includes
the listing in the Control Center, the highlighting in the code and
the applying of possible quick fixes.
The Factbase Inspector offers the possibility to
inspect the PEFs of a factbase in a tree representation.
The Factbase Statistics view
shows statistics about a factbase.
JTransformer allows to generate reverse engineered code
which is explained here.
research/jtransformer/tutorial/working_with_jt.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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