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Frequently Asked Questions

Installation and Getting Started

How do I install JTransformer?

I do not see the Prolog Console, where is it?

The Prolog Console is an Eclipse view. It can be opened via Window→Show View→Other…

The Prolog Console and the menues are there but nothing happens!

You must explicitly activate JTransformer on a Java project. Open the Java Perspective (Window→Open Perspective→Java). In the Package Explorer, right click on the Project that should be transformed or analyzed and select Configure → Assign JTransformer Factbase in the context menu. Now a fact representation is generated for the current project. The initial generation process and every subsequent regeneration is visualized by a progress bar in the bottom right corner of your Eclipse window. Clicking on the symbol just at the right of the progress bar displays additional information. The progress view is also available via the menu Window→Show View→Basic→Progress.

Where can I find a listing of all shortcuts?

Working with the Prolog Editor

Code completion via <ctrl-space> does not work!

The first release 2.0.0 uses the shortcut F2 for the code completion. The releases >= 2.0.1 use the standard eclipse shortcuts. See our keyboard shortcuts.

Working with the Prolog Console

How can I start queries?

Simply open the Prolog console (JTransformer → Open Prolog console), type your queries and terminate them with a dot ('.') and <return>. You do not need to enter the '?-' used in some Prolog systems to start a query. Make sure, that you selected the right factbase and deacitivated Following Mode (see: your first jtransformer query).

But there must be more results! How do I get the next one?

Simply type ';' in the lower pane of the Prolog Console View (the input pane). The next result will be displayed in the output pane. You can repeat this until the output pane displays 'No', which means that no more results are available for your query.

CTs don't show results and succeed only ones (see apply CTs).

Is there a history function in the Prolog Console?

You can use <up> and <down> to scroll up and down through the command history. See our keyboard shortcuts.

Working with Conditional Transformations (CTs)

What is a CT? How to apply CTs

I have executed a CT but the Java file hasn't changed!

Currently, you must trigger the synchronisation from Prolog to Java explicitly. Just select “Save factbase” from the “JTransformer” menu to regenerate all Java sources files which have been changed in the workspace. If you do not want to overwrite the existing classes in your Java project you may use the “ Output Project(s)…“ submenu item. All (source) classes in the Prolog factbase will be saved as Java source in the output project.

Details on the Program Element Facts (PEFs)

What do the generated facts mean?

See the documentation of the Program Element Facts (PEFs)

Why do we use the _name_ of a package but the _id_ of a class in importT(#id, #toplevel, #classid or packagename)

This enables references to packages which need not be present in the factbase.

Bug reporting and source release

Our issue-tracking system is currentlly accessible only to our developers and cooperation partners. Please mail all bugs and comments to Tobias Rho

Where can I download the source code?

Right now, you can't. We haven't decided on a licence yet. However, there will be a source release in the near future.

Can the JTransformer nature be assigned to more than one project?

Yes. And you can associate several projects with one fact base, too.

research/jtransformer/tutorial_old/faq.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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