- Using the Prolog IDE
Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
If you need help, if you think you have found a bug, if the PDT makes you angry, if you want to request some new feature, or if you want to discuss or comment on any particular part or aspect of the PDT, please write to the PDT mailing list, pdt@lists.iai.uni-bonn.de.
You can subscribe at https://lists.iai.uni-bonn.de/mailman/listinfo.cgi/pdt |
We will also announce new releases and other important events on this list.
Günter Kniesel | |
Günter has supervised the theses of Tobias, Lukas, Frank, and Eva. He alternately views the PDT as a user wanting more features or as a project manager wanting the PDT architecture to fit well with the bigger picture of other developments of our group. In the initial years, his main contribution was keeping the project running and challenging the developers, rather than developing himself. More recently, he developed the search facilities, call graph and the underlying meta-predicate analysis together with Andreas Becker. | |
Tobias Rho | |
Tobias is one of the two initial authors of JTransformer, a project that he started as part of his Diploma Thesis. In his later work on his PhD Thesis, he evolved JTransformer to the point where it included an almost full-fledged Prolog IDE. The PDT is a spin-off project that extracted the Prolog IDE from JTransformer into an independent Eclipse plugin back in 2004. Since then Tobias has continuously contributed to the project which is still very much “his baby”. | |
Lukas Degener | |
Lukas has contributed to JTransformer and the PDT from 2005 to 2008, partly as a student research assistant, partly for his own Diploma thesis and partly “just” for personal comittment. He was responsible for many behind-the-scenes improvements in both projects, which enabled separation of the PDT from JTransformer. Form mid 2006 to August 2008 he took on the role of the main developmer of the PDT. As part of his thesis he created a first prototype for a refactoring infrastructure. Unfortunately, Lukas left our group in September 2008 before his prototype branch could be integrated into the PDT trunk. Lukas is working now as a consultant for a local software company. | |
Frank Mühlschlegel | |
Frank was employed as a student research assistant for the PDT in 2009. He refactored and simplified the PDT code, improved the Prolog console and the PDT preferences. | |
Eva Stöwe | |
Eva has started work on the PDT in early 2008. Since Lukas left, she has continued to pursue the development of an analysis and transformation infrastructure for the PDT. In December 2012 she completed her Diploma thesis on a related subject. | |
Fabian Noth | |
Fabian has worked on the PDT since late 2010. Together with Andreas and Günter he has reimplemented the entire development environment, basing it on the consulted code rather than trying to parse source code as done in the initial versions. The result of Andreas and Fabian's work is the new PDT 2.x. | |
Andreas Becker | |
Andreas has worked on the PDT since late 2010 creating the new PDT 2.x together with Fabian and Günter. Among (many) other things, Andreas extended the meta-predicate analysis that underlies the call graphs shown in the ContextView and GlobalView. His extension adresses meta-calls that are dynamically assembled via =../2, functor/3, arg/3, atom_concat/3, etc, significantly improving the completeness of the call graph and the reliability of the dead code analysis based on it. (The detection of undeclared meta-predicates was initially created by Günter and Eva, and adapted by Jan Wielemaker to SWI-Prolog, droping the detection of dynamically assembled calls that could not be expressed by SWI-Prolog's metapredicate/1 directive.) | |
Ilshat Aliev | |
Ilshat joined our group in 2011. He has implemented the graphical representation and user interaction of the ContextView and GlobalView, making the PDT a great aid when working with large Prolog programs, trying to understand their structure or restructuring them interactively. |