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View "Prolog Analyses"

The view Prolog Analyses contains the following components:

  1. a process selector,
  2. a table of available analyses,
  3. a toolbar offering actions for analyses and
  4. a table of analysis results.

Process Selector

The process selector allows the selection of a Prolog process. The lists of analyses and analysis results work for the selected process. Thus, it is important to make sure that a factbase is selected before performing any operation in the view.

Available Analyses

The analysis table shows the availabe analyses of the selected process. An analysis is availabe if it is loaded in the process. If the table is empty no analyses have been loaded and it is necessary to load a file containing analysis declarations and implementations. When switching to another process it might be necessary to load them again (once per process).

The analysis table allows enabling () and disabling () of analyses. If an analysis is enabled it will be executed after each consult done in this process that is triggered from the PDT UI. This means that all results are deleted and recomputed after each such consult.

The analyses in the table are grouped into categories. Categories are written with an emphasized font, analyses are written with a normal font.

For each analysis and category the table shows:

  • the name of the analysis/category,
  • a description of the analysis/category and
  • the number of results of the analysis/category.

Additionally the table shows the following information for each analysis in the tooltip:

  • Type is the kind of markers that are created for this analysis. Possible values are
    • info ()
    • warning ()
    • error ()

Context Menu

The context menu of the analysis table offers two operations for the selected analyses.

  • Run analysis: Runs the selected analyses and creates markers for the results. The old results of the selected analyses are deleted before.
  • Remove analysis markers: Deletes the results of the selected analyses.

Analysis Results

The analysis result table shows the results for the analyses which are selected in the analysis table. For each analysis result the table shows:

  • a description of the result,
  • the resource of the result and,
  • the location (line) of the result in its resource.

Double-clicking on a result in the table will select the location of the result in an editor.


The toolbar offers two operations:

  1. Run all enabled analyses: Runs the enabled analyses and creates markers for the results. The old results of the enabled analyses are deleted before.
  2. Delete all analysis markers: Deletes all analysis results.
research/pdt/docs/analysis_view.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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