- Using the Prolog IDE
Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
The Prolog Call Hierarchy displays the call hierarchy of predicates. It has one root predicate for which the hierarchy is presented. The hierarchy supports two different modes: caller and callee. The lookup for calls is performed in the currently selected Prolog process.
The left side of the view shows the hierarchy as a tree.
The right side is a table listing all calls from/to the predicate selected in the tree. Double-clicking on a call will select this call in an editor.
The Call Hierarchy can be opened in two ways. The first way is to select a predicate in the editor and to choose “Open Call Hierarchy” from the context menu. This opens the hierarchy and sets the selected predicate as root predicate.
The second way is to open the view via Window → Show View → Prolog Call Hierarchy (or Other → Prolog Call Hierarchy if the Prolog Perspective is not opened). After opening the view the root predicate needs to be set.
The root predicate is set via the first toolbar button (). The opened dialog then allows typing the predicate. The following form is expected:
Module : Name / Arity
The mode can be chosen in the toolbar.
The Call Hierarchy allows to limit the scope where to search for predicate calls. The possible scopes are: