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Configuring the PDT

Window > Preferences > PDT

This menu gives you access to PDT specific settings.


PDT Preferences

Debug Level:
Determines the content(s) of the debug log file.

Debug Output to:
Determines if the debug output should be written to a file or to the console.

Log file location:
Path to the file to which debug output of the PDT will be written.

Warn before opening files larger than (in kB):
Show a warning before opening a file which larger than the specified limit. This is useful if you have files containing big data which should never be opened in an editor since it would be very slow and need lots of memory.
This setting affects files opened via the Prolog editor, search results, the outline or edit/1 on the console.
If you want to disable this warning you can use the value 0.


PDT Console Preferences

Handling consulted files on restart:
Determines which files should be reconsulted after the procces has been restarted. This can be: no files, entry point files or all files.

Console font:
Font to be used inside the Prolog Console.

Colour output line starting with …:
Determines the colors in the Prolog console. See Colored Output.

History file:
Path to the file to which the history of the console will be written. Leave this blank if you do not wish to record your Prolog Console history.

Context View


PDT Editor Preferences

Ask before saving external files:
Determines wheter there should be a confirmation dialog if you are about to save an external file.

Create arglist in auto completion:
If this is activated, an arglist will be created in the auto completion, otherwise the completion will only work for a functor of a predicate.

Consult file on save:
If this is activated, whenever you save your file in the editor it will be consulted to the current procces.

Show multifile contributions in the Outline:
If selected, the outline will list clauses from other files for multifile predicates.

Number of clauses per predicate listed in the Outline:
The outline will either list only the first clause (1 selected) or all clauses (All selected) of a predicate.

Do not compute the variable name of the first argument of clauses in files larger than (in kB):
If the first argument of a clause is a variable the outline will show the variable name. In case of large files the computation of this variable name might take quite some time. This preferences allows to define a file size limit so that the computation is only done for files whose size is lower than the limit.

Editor Colors

PDT Editor Colors Preferences

Here you can configure the colors of the syntax highlighting in the prolog editor.

Prolog Processes

Prolog Processes Preferences


It is possible to define different configurations for Prolog processes. Different Prolog processes may have different configurations. A configuration can be edited in a new dialog via Edit…. There are two predefined configurations:

  • SWI Prolog
  • SWI Prolog & Logtalk

The predefined configurations can be changed but not deleted. You can also define your own configurations. The currently selected configuration is the default configuration which is used when creating a new Prolog process without specifying a configuration.

Prolog Process Configuration

OS invocation:
Operation system dependent invocation of Prolog.

Prolog executable:
Path to the executable of your Prolog installation. You can use the Browse Button. Don't add quotes, they will be added automatically (on demand).

Command line arguments:
Additional command line arguments. See SWI-Manual.

Additional startup files:
See explanation of -f in SWI-Manual. This can be multiple files, separated by commas. Add quotes if needed! Example: “c:/my files/”

Executable preview:
Shows the complete command which will be executed to start Prolog.

Extra environment variables:
List of additional environment variables.

Server-Log file location:
Path to the Server-Log file

Connect Timeout:
Time (in ms) to wait for a successful connection to a Prolog process

Hide prolog process window:
Hides the Prolog window (windows only)

Create prolog metadata:
Experimental, creates Prolog metadata (when loading a file) to be independent of any language-specific infrastructure. Enables meta predicate analysis.

Run meta predicate analysis after loading a prolog file:
Experimental, tries to find missing meta predicate declarations after loading a file. May take some time.

research/pdt/docs/configuration.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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