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Configuring the PDT

Project > Properties > Prolog Project Properties

Here you can set project specific details such as the source path, file extension settings, libraries to include and encoding information.

Window > Preferences > PDT Preferences

This menu gives you access to PDT specific settings.

PDT Preferences

Debug Level:
Determines the content(s) of the debug log file.

Log file location:
Path to the file to which debug output of the PDT will be writen.

Automatically add Prolog Nature when opening pl files:
When you open a file in the prolog editor that does not belong to a prolog project, should the PDT add the prolog nature?

Switch to default runtime before consulting:
When you consult a prolog file, but the active console view is not connected to the default runtime of the respective prolog project, should the PDT switch to the default runtime first?

Prolog Console

Console Font:
Font to be used inside the Prolog Console.
(non functional atm.)

Use Enter Key for backtracking:
If enabled, the enter key sends a semicolon(';') while the console is backtracking through query results, e.g. when backtracking over the solutions to a goal. This setting requires a restart to take effect.

Intercept get_single_char/1 calls:
Advanced setting

History File
Leave this blank if you do not wish to record your Prolog Console history. Otherwise specify a path / filename.

Connect Timeout:
Advanced setting

Prolog Core

Metadata Engine Dir:
Directory containing the prolog implementation of the meta data engine.

Metadata Store Dir:
Directory used to store metadata for prolog files.

Default Source Path:
The default value for the source path of prolog projects.

Default Meta Data PrologInterface:
The default value for the Metadata PrologInterface property of prolog projects.
The Metadata runtime is used internally for managing information used to e.g. display the outline.

Default Runtime PrologInterface:
The default value for the Runtime PrologInterface property of prolog projects.
The Prolog Runtime is where the data is located when consulting.

Convert Character Offsets:
Advanced setting

Enable Auto-Consult:
If this flag is set, the PDT will automatically (re-)consult any source file, unless it is explicitly excluded from Auto-Consult. Note that this is an experimental feature and defaults to false for 0.1.x

Prolog Runtime

PrologInterfaceFactory impelementation:
The factory to be used for creating PrologInterface instances.

PrologInterface Bootstrap Directory:
The PrologInterface needs to temporarily store some prolog files during bootstrapping. Any directory for which you have write permissions will do.

SWI-Prolog Executable:
Path to the SWI Prolog programme file. Please note that this directory may (at this time) not contain blanks (like c:\Program Files\…).

Extra Environment Variables:
List of additional environment Variables.

Use Session Pooling:
This is some kind of connection pooling, that suspends sessions no longer in use and allows them to be recycled at a later date. Especially useful when you are using many “short” sessions consecutively. There is no real reason to turn it off anyways.

Configuring PDT on Windows / Linux / Mac platforms

If you are experiencing any complications while trying to get your PDT to work, please refer to this site: Platform Notes

research/pdt/docs_archive/v0.x/configuration.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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