Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
The Editor supports many features that are useful for arbitrary Prolog files (syntax highlighting and checking, context help, code completion) and some that are particularly useful for conditional transformations (Please refer to the JTransformer Project for further reference) (arity and variable binding warnings).
In this image you can see the different colors in the Prolog editor. See the preferences page if you want to change these colors.
Singleton variables are highlighted by red color while typing. See for instance the variable Y in the single/1 predicate above.
All SWI-Prolog errors and warnings are displayed as required by the Eclipse user interface guidelines:
All errors and warnings are displayed also in the Eclipse Package Explorer and Eclipse Problems View (see Screenshot):
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The Prolog Editor supports code completion for built-in predicates and all user-defined predicates loaded into the Prolog system. Code completion in the Prolog editor uses the default Eclipse key binding (Ctrl+Space). Code completion is module aware, i.e. if you type a module name(that is a name followed by a colon “:”) only the module selected will be used for completion.
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