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Seminar Phase

In the seminar, each of you will give a 30 minutes talk about a selected topic. The seminar will be conducted together with the “MoSA” participants, who will also give 30 minutes summaries of the topics they worked on in the past summer semester.

  • Date: Thursday, 07. October 2010
  • Time: 9:00 - 16:00


Time What Who
09:30 Identifier Analysis Matthias Vohl
10:00 Intraprocedural Data Flow Analysis Sönke Gluch
10:30 Type Flow Analysis Dennis Molter
11:00 Tools: Conditional Transformations Fabian Noth
11:30 Tools: StarTransformer Andreas Becker
13:30 Interprocedural Analysis Aleksandra Biresev
14:00 Field-sensitive (FS) Eda Güngör
14:30 Context-sensitive (CS) Saad Bashir Alvi
15:00 On-the-fly (OTF) Obaid Abdul Maroof
15:30 Shape analysis Rajat Arora
16:00 Graph Algorithms Muhammad Zakir Khan
17:30 The end

:sec: You can find the slides in the SVN.

The presentations FS, CS and OTF introduce increasingly precise (and complex) techniques that achieve efficiency by not computing points-to relations exhaustively but by focusing on what is relevant for a particular analysis client that tries to answer a more abstract query (e.g. “Is this cast safe?”):

  • Demand-driven analysis: only analyse the elements relevant to the client's query.
  • Refinement-based analysis: only analyse up to the precision that is sufficient for the client.

Not treated in the presentations

Further increasing precision by

How to prepare a presentation

Talk and Discussion

  • The talk during the seminar phase is scheduled for at most 30 minutes. If necessary, additional talks about your subject will be scheduled during the lab.
  • The slides should be prepared with Powerpoint1) using this template. As a rule of thumb the average time for a slide is 1,5-2 minutes. So your presentation should not contain more then 15-20 slides with proper contents (not counting title pages, farewell, gags, and slides that are only animated versions of previous ones). However, take this with a grain of salt: sometimes more slides do not necessarily take longer to present. On the contrary, an additional slide with an example or figure that illustrates a concept well can actually save time!
  • Discussion: During the presentation, the audience is welcome to ask questions that are necessary for understanding the contents. General feedback, additional thoughts and ideas, own suggestions, etc. are welcome too but only after the talk.

Written Report

  • The report should be a self-contained text that explains the concepts introduced in the talk. It should be prepared using the LNCS latex style (download, instructions for users). It should be 7-10 pages (which isn't much, since the LNCS style has very wide margins).
  • The recommended text editor, which is equally great for LaTeX novices and experts, is Lyx. It offers a WYSIWYM visualisation of your text, and has an excellent online help that is not just a great introduction to Lyx but also one of the best introductions to Latex that I have seen in the past 20 years. Lyx is freely available for all platforms.
    • The above is just a recommendation to help you save time and effort. You may alternatively use LaTeX and your preferred text editor.
  • Graphics should be prepared using PowerPoint. That makes them easy to include in your presentation and, if you find that they are too complex for being presented in one go you can gradually animate them.
  • The deliverable on which grades will be based comprises the talk, its original PowerPoint file, and the Lyx-/Latex file of the report.


It is allowed and sometimes even clever to use material from other authors in your talk or report, to save time. In particular, for the first version of the presentation (your general rehearshal talk) you should not spend too much time on (re)drawing yourself graphics from the original papers that you got as material. Simply copy the PDF and integrate it in your presentation.

However, all parts of the presentation that are copied from elsewhere (text, graphics, code, etc.) MUST be accompanied by proper citations of their respective source. Failing to do so is considered plagiarism and will have serious consequences.

available on all computers of Informatik III, e.g. in terminal pool A106
teaching/labs/ese/2010/seminar_phase.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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