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Seminar and Lab: "Model-Driven Software Engineering"

Dr. Günter Kniesel

General Information

The seminar and lab are part of the ICM track of the M.Sc. curriculum. They are aimed at students who want to specialize in software engineering.

The seminar and lab can be attended independently. However, lab participants are requested to attend several of the seminar presentations because they lay the theoretical foundations for certain lab topics.

Model Driven Software Engineering

Increasing complexity of modern software calls for more effective and predictable approaches to software development. This need has led to the rise of a new paradigm: Modell-driven Software Engineering (MDSE). MDSE is being successfully used in many domains and is continuously evolving. There is a wide range of tools and technologies that use or support MDSE. Knowledge of MDSE concepts and tools has become an elementary skill for a software engineer.

Interested in further details? Then attend the info meeting (see below).

Info meeting

The info meeting will introduce necessary background on model driven software development, present a catalog of topics for the seminar and lab and clarify organizational issues. You will then be able to choose

  • whether you want to attend just the seminar or the seminar and the lab
  • which seminar topic you want to pursue (only if you have any preference – otherwise you will be assigned a seminar topic)

If you participate in the lab you will choose your lab tasks at the start of the winter semester, based on your own interests and your understanding of the subject after attendance of the seminar.

The info meeting will take place on

Monday, 03.08.2015, 9:00 (st), room A107

Place and Time

The seminar and lab will take place in the Römerstr. 164 building. For time information see seminar and lab.

Mailing List

  • mdse course lists iai uni bonn defill spaces with- @ . . - .”) ← will be set up after registration of participants

Teaching Staff

Who E-mail Tel Office
Dr. Günter Kniesel gk -at- cs uni-bonn de (0228) 73-4511 A107
teaching/labs/mdse/2015/start.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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