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Stories pro Iteration

Here is an example of the statistic stories per iteration which is used for each iteration to show the number and bricks-value of stories in one iteration.

- - - snip - - - 8< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

hangover new assured surplus deferred actual actual %
number 6 24 6 19 6 4 66,7%
bricks 23 (29) 75 23 55 20 18 78,3%

- - - snap - - - >8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Explanation of the collumns:

  • hangover: The stories which were discussed in the previous iteration but not implemented yet.
  • new: Newly introduced stories of this iteration.
  • assured: Stories upon which the customer and the develeopers aggreed to implement them in this iteration.
  • surplus: Stories which were discussed any may be implemented if all assured stories are done by the developers and accepted by the customer.
  • deferred: Stories which shall not be implemented in this iteration. If developers feel, they should work on these stories, they have to negotiate with the customer first.
  • actual: Stories which were actual implemented by the developers and passed the acceptance test of the customer.
  • actual %: Percentage of the actual stories in relation to the assured stories.

Explanation of the rows:

  • number: Number of stories in the category of the row.
  • bricks: Sum of the bricks-value of the stories in this categorie. If the bricks-value of hangover stories is adjusted the old value is also noted in brackets.

When to fill in the values

  • All values exept in the rows actual and actual % are filled in after the planning game / release plan of the iteration has finished.
  • The missing values are inserted at the end of the iteration.
  • The values may be adjusted if new stories are inserted or other stories are dropped.
  • In any other cases the values shall remain untouched. Especially the bricks-values and the ammount of assured stories (or at least bricks) must not be changed. The team may give better estimates in the next iteration. (Otherwise one would never know how good or bad the estimates have been.)
  • Comments may be added freely. It is recommended to add an comment, if a value is changed. Also reasons for under- or overperforming are interesting.
teaching/labs/xp/2005a/statistikstoriesproiteration.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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