Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering

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Software & SVN


For the Lab it suffices if you have the Eclipse 3.3.1 plugin developer's release installed, together with the following plugins:

During the project we will further develop JTransformer and test the changes in our runtime workspace. To get accustomed to JTransformer and the PDT (see Seminar Topics) you should install JTransformer at home as described below and bring this installation on your laptop to the seminar. It will be the basis for the practical exercises on the first seminar day.


Version control with Subversion (SVN)

Deleting a password saved by the //Subclipse// SVN plugin

On the windows platform delete the file containing the password (e.g. ee6bf22c93764fd1123233d0682756e2eb8) in the directory

 %USER_HOME%\rho\Application Data\Subversion\auth\svn.simple\

Issue Management with JIRA

We might use Jira as an “Issue Tracking” system. Our Jira-Server is reachable at ← Jira Project to be created (???). FIXME

teaching/labs/xp/2008a/software.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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