Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering

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Agile Lab Topic

In the course of this project you will

  • learn how to perform agile software development
  • develop a useful tool for software analysis and transformation
  • learn how many interesting analyses (e.g. “bad smell detection”, “design pattern detection”, …)

and software transformations (e.g. “refactorings”) can be easily developed using the tool

We will practice agile methods for the development of an advanced infrastructure for software analysis and transformation. It will be an extension of the JTransformer plugin for Eclipse. See the JTransformer website for background information about the existing tool. Have a look at the JTransformer tutorial on the website and try it out! For trying out JTransformer you can also perform the the steps described in the lecture on "Logic-based Programm/Model Analysis and Transformation".

The aim of the lab will be the improvement of JTransformer with respect to usability. This includes

  • researching the typical workflows performed by users
  • identifying tasks that are not well supported
  • designing better workflows and supporting GUIs
  • designing new components supporting missing workflows / tasks

Here is a preliminary list of "stories" that we might implement during the lab.

According to the “Extreme Programming” principle of involving users into the project team, this process will be conducted together with a client, who will be available for explaining us his requirements and giving feedback about our ideas and prototypes.

teaching/labs/xp/2008a/topic.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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