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Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Please don't place any confidential information in this clipbard (like iPhone code snippets etc.). Use the Confidential Clipboard instead.
export RAILS_ENV=<scope> ; rake db:drop
and replace <scope> with either test
, development
, or production
resp. depending on the DB you want to drop.
export RAILS_ENV=<scope> ; rake db:create
and replace <scope> with either test
, development
, or production
resp. depending on the DB you want to create.
export RAILS_ENV=<scope> ; rake db:migrate VERSION=0
and replace <scope> with either test
, development
, or production
resp. depending on the DB you want to rollback.
export RAILS_ENV=<scope> ; rake db:migrate
and replace <scope> with either test
, development
, or production
resp. depending on the DB you want to migrate.
* http://www.cocoadevcentral.com/, especially “Learn Objective-C”, “Objective-C Style”, “C Tutorial for Cocoa” and “Learn Cocoa”.
def put_via_get_verb puts params[:id] puts params[:note] @note = Note.find(params[:id]) @note.update_attributes(params[:note]) render :text => 'OK' end
def show ... format.html { render :text => @note.content } ... end
map.resources :notes, :collection => { :put_via_get_verb => :get }
http://rails.tztz.org/pascal_mark_fdc/notes/put_via_get_verb?id=2¬e[content]='Hello World!'