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  • Plugin: an eclipse plugin, e.g. org.cs3.cultivate.core or org.cs3.cultivate.structure
  • Repository: Executes and caches all queries, smell detectors and metrics
  • Detector: Former concept, a Detector was either a metric or a smell 1)
  • Metric: Returns a Metric value and where the metric was measured, has a generic java representation and different prolog implementations
  • Smell: Returns where a Smell occures, has a generic java representation and different prolog implementations
  • Query: The Java-Part of a Prolog Query (TermQuery, PackageDependencyQuery)
  • Prolog-Query: The Prolog-Part of a Query
  • Query Results: Java object that represents the result of a query
  • Name (or Identifier): The name of a java element like class, interface, method, field, paramter, local variable.

Query Syntax

  • QueryDescription

Each query can have a description to be shown on the java part.

   query_description(+queryName,+queryType, +Description).
   e.g.  query_description(nopSmell,smell,'empty statement').
  • Smell
  • Metric
   metric(+metricName, -ID,-ComputedMetric). 
   metric_attributes(+metricName, +Range, +Threshold)
  • Dependency (This fits neither as a smell nor metric)
  dependency_package(DependentId,DependeeId, SccNumber,DependencyDegree).
  • TermMetric
   termmetric(+metricName,?Scope,-ID, - [(Term,ComputedMetric)]).
  • TermQuery
  Each differ in syntax, all start with termquery(+queryName,..).
  • ArchitectureQueries?
  • Inheritance/Implementation


TODO: Refactoring - structures.

Technically it had additional semantics: A detector was the unit of information that was cached on the Prolog side. A detector was the unit of information that was held in the Java repository. For each detector there was a query that was re-executed once the factbase changed.
teaching/labs/xp/2009a/glossary.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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