Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering

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Agile Seminar

Each one of you is invited to prepare two topics (together with a partner) from the following list for our seminar. The topics should contain some theoretical part, as well as some practical exercises for all students (The proportion is dependent of your selected topic).

Please find your topic and some supporting keywords in the list. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact your topic's advisor.

Written documentations

Presentation Timeline

Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ruby-On-Rails - Talk History of ASD - Talk LBS - Talk
Testing - Talk AJAX - Talk LBS - Workshop
SCM - Talk AJAX - Workshop
Ruby-on-Rails - Workshop Slippy Maps - Talk
Testing - Workshop GIS - Talk
SCM - Workshop Slippy Maps - Workshops
GIS - Workshop

Agile topics

Topic 1: History of agile software development

  • XP
  • Toyota Production System

Compare and contrast. What are the properties? What are the goals? What are the advantages/disadvantages? Does it work for small/middle/large sized projects?

Topic 2: Testing

  • Assigned students: Abid, Cosmin, Teena
  • Advisor: Mark Schmatz
Testing scopes
  • Unit testing
  • Functional testing
  • Integration testing
  • Acceptance testing

What is testing good for? What is tested according to the different scopes? What are the differences?

Since we will work with Ruby on Rails, focus on how testing is applied there. Consult the books (we have in the office) and the web resources (see below).

Code coverage

What is code coverage good for? Which tools do exist? Where can it help?


Topic 3: Software configuration management (SCM)

Continuous Integration (CI)
  • CruiseControl.rb
  • Hudson

What is CI good for? How does it work?

Version Controlling
  • SVN
  • Git

What is Version Controlling? Compare and contrast. Use web resources and this presentation

Technology topics

Topic 4: Ruby / Ruby on Rails

  • Assigned students: Frederik, Siyu, Teena
  • Advisor: Mark Schmatz

@ALL:make a head start on this!

Prepare a brief intro:

  • How to create a Rails project?
  • What is ActiveRecord?
  • How does Routing work?
  • etc.

Topic 5: AJAX

  • JQuery

What is AJAX? Prepare a JQuery intro.

Geo Data

Topic 6: Geoinformational systems
  • How is Geodata aquired (Professionally/for Open Street Map)?
    • Which conclusions can be inferred from that?
    • What are legal consequences?
  • How is Geodata structured?
  • How to query and process OSM data?
Topic 7: Location Integration
  • Compare and contrast GPS/GSM/WiFi-Triangulation
  • How to access geo data from within web sites (see here)
  • What is Google Gears (the localization part of it)
Topic 8: Slippy Maps

Visualizing map on the web

  • Google Maps
  • Osmarender
  • Mapnik
  • Cloudmade

Compare and contrast

teaching/labs/xp/2009b/seminar/start.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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