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Agile Lab and Seminar Fall 2009

Prof. Dr. Armin B. Cremers, Dr. Günter Kniesel, Holger Mügge, Pascal Bihler und Mark Schmatz


Agile software development, teamwork and efficiency, as known from eXtreme Programming (XP), are the focus of this seminar and practical lab. Base techniques to achieve this goal are customer-orientated planning, short development iterations, pair programming, automated testing and refactoring. This lab affords the opportunity to gather practical knowledge of XP and other techniques of agile software development. Every participant is important for the success of the project, which will be developed by the small team within four and a half weeks.

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Administrative Information

Dates and Times

Informational meeting: 23.04.2009, 17h00 (Room A401, Altbau, Römerstr. 164, Bonn)

Preparation Seminar: 25.08.2009 to 31.08.2009 (Room 1.30-1.32 in b-it Building, Bonn)
Practical Lab: 25.08.2009 to 18.09.2009 (Room 1.30-1.32 in b-it Building, Bonn)

In the preparation seminar the methodologies, frameworks, and practices of agile software development are introduced, as well as concrete information about the technology required to cope with the lab topic. Participation in the preparation seminar is obligatory for lab participation!


The lab is open for IPEC-Students, computer science students from Uni Bonn (Hauptdiplom and CS Master), students of the B-IT, and students from RWTH Aachen.


To apply for this lab as a student of RWTH Aachen, please participate in the Zentrale Anmeldung zu Seminaren und Praktika in January 2009. If you are enrolled in Uni Bonn, B-IT, or another university, please apply by sending us an informal but informative email. Some hints you can find on this checklist.


B-IT: Graded certificate of Seminar- and Lab-Participation (5 SWS)
Uni Bonn - CS Master: Graded Seminar- and Lab-Certificate. 4+8 ECTS Points
Uni Bonn - Neue DPO: Seminar- und Praktikumsbestärigung im Bereich B3. Leistungspunkte: 4 + 8
Uni Bonn - Alte DPO: B-Seminarschein und C-Praktikumsschein
Other Universities: Certificate of Seminar- and Lab-Participation


This lab is part of the International Program of Excellence (IPEC) of the Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (b-it). The curriculum offered by IPEC addresses a limited number of highly gifted students, who are enrolled in the University of Bonn, the RWTH Aachen, or in other German or foreign universities. This results in a speed-up of studying and in a simultaneous increase of quality. Due to the limited number of participants and the high standard of the program, a pre-selection of participants is required.

  • For Diplom students at Bonn University: This is a Hauptstudiumsveranstaltung. If you are enrolled in the “Neue DPO” program, you are required to own either the Vordiplom or at least 50% of the Vordiploms-Leistungspunkts and less than 50% of the Hauptdiplom-Leistungspunkts.
  • For Master students at Uni Bonn, the following courses are required for participation:
    • Information Systems Engineering (MA-INF 3102)
    • At least one of the following lectures:
      • Model-Driven Software Engineering (MA-INF 3208)
      • Aspect-Oriented Software Engineering (MA-INF 3206)

The lab will be conducted in English as soon as at least one English-speaking student is participating.

Information & Mailinglist

An informational meeting will be provided at 23.04.2009, 17h00 in room A401 (Altbau, Römerstr. 164, Bonn).

If you are interested in further information, please subscribe to our mailing-list: agile-prospects. To protect this list against spam, only addresses from the university are automatically subscribed. If you want to subscribe with an external email-address, please contact us.

Recent labs

What is Extreme Programming? What is Agile Software Development?

There are excellent resources about this on the web. Here is a selection of links, we recommend:

Application dates can be subject of change.
teaching/labs/xp/2009b/start.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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