Annotation An additional information on an HTML element
AnnotationWithFractionalConfidences An →Annotation using →fractions for the →contextual confidences
Annotation Type The semantic of an →annotation
Context A collection of →sensors and →sensor values
Contextual Confidence A double value (or a →fraction) associated together with a →context to an →annotation.
Element An HTML-Element
Fraction A 2-tuple of a double value (“numerator”) and a non-zero integer (“denominator”), which can be interpreted as a double (numerator/denominator)
Group A group of →Subjects identified via a string (group name)
Property A variable element of an →Annotation. Identified by a name (String) and connected to a property value type
Property Value The value of a →Property
Semantic Shadow The database managing annotations
Sensor A string identifying a →context dimension
Sensor value A possible value of a →sensor in a →context
Subject The HTML Element the →annotation relates to
Value An value of an HTML-Element
teaching/labs/xp/2010b/glossary.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)