Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Practical exercises are carried out in small groups (3 to 4 students) that meet their tutor in the terminal pool A106 (Römerstr. 164, Altbau) according to the schedule in the ROOTS-Teaching Calendar.
Note that the first meeting is a joint session for all students, scheduled immediately after the first lecture, on Monday, April 20, at 14:30. Attending the first meeting is essential since it will be dedicated to
The meetings with your tutor are your opportunity to present your exercise results, get feedback and discuss open questions. Thus, they are the best preparation for the examination that awaits you after the course.
In addition, successful completion of at least 50% of the exercises and regular attendance of the exercise groups is the formal prerequisite for being admitted to the examination. “Regular attendance” is defined as failing to attend at most two of the group meetings.
There have been 2 extra exercises for one student who joined the lecture late because of visa problems. Maybe you would like to take a look at them while you prepare for your exam. They are substitutions for sheet 2 and 3.
After the installation of the Subversion Client you should configure the acess to the repository where you will store your exercisess.