Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Due at Thursday, December 3th, 11:00 am (before the lecture starts) |
Project: A05T13-Hotel-EJB_Solution
3+3 points |
The project provides an excerpt of the Hotel System with three entity beans (Renting, RentalPeriod, Room) and two session beans (StatelessRentings, StatefullRentings).
Further it contains the following JUnit test cases, which set-up a minimal EJB3 environment (based on OpenEJB) and execute tests on a stateless and a stateful session bean.
Both tests will fail in the beginning. You will find small sub-tasks in the test cases which ask you to extend either the test cases, the session beans, or the entity beans or to give an answer to a question. Follow the tasks precisely. It is not sufficient to make the tests green by any means. Like always you will have to explain your solution to your tutor. You will receive maximum 3 points for each test case.
If you have not run JUnit test cases in Eclipse before, have a look at the Tutorial: Object Oriented Programming.