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Assignment 00: Hello ATSC!

Release date: Monday, 14.10.13 - Due date: Tuesday, 15.10.13, 23:59

For Media Informatics: Due date: Monday, 28.10.13, 23:59

Task 01: Joining the ATSC mailing list

1 points

To ease the communication with us or your fellow students, please join the lecture’s mailing list. There you can ask questions concerning the assignments or the lecture. They should be answered as fast as possible by us or other students. To join the mailing list, visit

Please, use your university email address :-) We are happy to answer your questions. Do not count on us answering emails on the weekend.

Task 02: ATSC Exercise Online Registration

1 points

To participate in the course you need to do three things:

1. Register online till Tuesday, October 15, 23:59

  1. Wait for the notification message with your password for the registration system.
If you try to register after the assignment of students to groups has already been completed, the registration system will not show the course anymore. Then please contact your lecturer.

2. Activate your SVN Account

When you get an e-mail that requires you to activate your SVN account, do so within two days! If you fail to meet the deadline, your SVN account will be invalidated and you will not be able to participate in the exercises (which depend on SVN)!

Task 03: Introduce yourself

1 points

Copy the following text into an email, add your information and send it to

Please use the subject “[ATSC2013] Hello ATSC”

== Please let us know a bit about your knowledge ==

What is your bachelor degree major?

Describe with a few words, what you know about:

Java + Other programming languages
Software Process Models

Task 04: Student Assignment Competition

0 points

This semester we plan to do a student competition. The competition provides you the possibility to compete with your fellow students. Every assignment solution you do gives you a score value. The accumulated score is presented in a leaderboard available on the wiki and updated weekly. Below, you’ll find an example scoreboard with fictional names and scores. The scoreboard will be available on the website of the lecture.

Rank Change Handle Score
1 Wojedu 880
2 Cavelot 876
3 Cuter 870
4 Noluwa 866
5 Tanimor 859
Cepin 859
7 Nenekala 848

The participation of this competition is optional. To participate, send us your name + a chosen handle by email to until the deadline for Assignment Sheet 1 (the next one).

Your handle will be used on the board to identify you on the board. Therefore, feel free to keep it secret for yourself or, if you wish, share it with others. You handle must not be part of your real name to preserve anonymity.

At any time during the semester you can quit the competition by sending us an email. It may be that we add more rewards during the course and there may be a reward in the end for the top ranks.

Task 05: Some Java Refreshment

0 points

If you want to refresh you programming knowledge, you might have a look at a few tutorials that we created over the years. We especially recommend the basic Object Oriented Programming tutorial.

teaching/lectures/atsc/2013/assignment_00.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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