- Tips and Tricks
Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Release date: Thursday, 19.12.13 - Due date: Sunday, 05.01.14, 23:59
0 Points |
In this assignment sheet we want to create an Ecore meta-model and domain specific language (DSL) editor with the help of the Xtext framework. In the end it should be possible to define a transport descriptions (see the DDD lecture and Assignment 08).
Installation of Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) can be done in Eclipse via the Eclipse Update Manager. Select the eclipse update site (Kepler in our case) and then select “Modeling” and install the “EMF – Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK”. If you would like to use a graphical diagram editor install the “Diagram Editor for Ecore (SDK)” as well.
A good tutorial on using the EMF framework for modeling is written by Lars Vogel:
In the following tasks we will also use Xtext2.x for Eclipse. You can find more information and screencasts about the tool on their website
It can be either installed from an Eclipse Update Site, through the Eclipse Marketplace1) or by dragging this icon onto your Eclipse menu bar:
To get acquainted with Xtext or if you feel you need more background on Xtext, you may read the following tutorial: DSL Creation with Xtext
9 Points |
Your task is to build a meta-model based on Ecore for the transport model below. As a starting point you find the project A09_T45_Transports
in your SVN. For this task you will only get the full points, when your model is very accurate (Attributes vs References, containment correct, types ok, multiplicities correct).
A transport description lists locations, a route and legs (transport and port). Locations have a name and may contain port-locations (i.e. locations within the port) which have a name as well. The route lists locations. A transport leg has a vehicle, the start location, start date and the end location as well as the end date. A port leg may have a load date, unload date, a vendor (who is responsible for the loading) and a port-location (where the goods are stored).
Check out the project A09_T45_Transports
. All relevant files are stored in the model directory of it. After you have changed your Ecore transport.ecore
file, you need to create or reload the EMF Generator file (.genmodel) and Java code (both required by Xtext). See Create EMF the Generator Model and Generate Java Code
The starting point is the System class, which contains all defined (toplevel) elements. This class will be used to define a Xtext entry rule in the following task.
Create a Java representation for your Ecore model
, right-click onto the package transport
to generate the corresponding Java model elements: In the case you are using the diagram editor,
Tip for references between classes
If you want to gain more insights
11 Points |
Create a Xtext-based DSL based on the Ecore model defined in Task 45. Please submit only the *.xtext file as your solution for this task. (Otherwise we will reduce your points)
Your grammar should accept examples like the following:
location Hamburg location Munich location Leith { CLL12 } route { Leith Hamburg Munich } port { location CLL12 vendor C loading 2013-02-03, 12:40 } transport { per ship from Leith 2013-02-03, 14:20 to Hamburg 2013-02-05, 17:00 } port { vendor XYZ unloaded 2013-02-05, 18:10 loading 2013-02-05, 23:40 } transport { per train from Hamburg 2013-02-06, 01:20 to Munich 2013-02-07, 05:50 } port { vendor AB unloaded 2013-02-07, 07:20 }
Please use the following names for your Xtext project and DSL fileextension:
Entry Rule | System |
Project name | de.unibonn.se.atsc.transportDsl |
Language name | de.unibonn.se.atsc.TransportDsl |
DSL-File extension | transport |
If you have a genmodel file for the Ecore model available, you can already let Xtext generate a Dsl for the Ecore model. Select “New→Project→Xtext Project from Existing Ecore Models”. Add as EPackage your transport.genmodel and select the System as Entry Rule. Afterwards, if you have used the above settings for the project and language name, adjust the Xtext file to match our provided Xtext file header and footer.
More information about cross-referencing
For specifying an EDate in your DSL
terminal EDATE returns ecore::EDate: ('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'-'('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'-'('0'..'9')('0'..'9') ','(' ')*('0'..'9')('0'..'9')':'?('0'..'9')('0'..'9');
For guidance on creation of an editor with Xtext, take a look at what you have worked through during the last practical lecture.
[6 Points] |
Create a XText-based DSL. Your grammar should accept examples like the following:
component c port p1 provided I1 I2 port p2 required I1 I2 provided I1 I2 interface I1 interface I2
For simplicity reasons, you can restrict the order in which elements (component, interface, etc.) are defined in the file.
Please use the following names for your Xtext project and DSL fileextension:
Project name | de.unibonn.se.atsc.compdsl |
Language name | de.unibonn.se.atsc.dsl.Components |
DSL-File extension | comp |
[6 Points] |
This task will model ports and components according to the following description:
Components have ports, which have required and provided interfaces. An interface has a name and contains at least one method. An interface may be used in several components.
Your task is to define a meta-model with stereotypes for the elements. For the definition of the profile you can use a UML2 tool of your choice (or use a simple class diagram where you use a directed association with the stereotype «extension» instead of the extension arrows). See slide 25 of the Model Driven Engineering lecture for more details about UML Profiles.
Create an exemplary class diagram and annotate the model elements accordingly.
[Yes, UML knows already components, interfaces and ports. Let's just assume these were not there and we need to model them with stereotypes on classes and associations.]
If you have question, feel free to ask questions on the mailing list. Enjoy the holiday time as well as the time working with this powerful technology.