- Tips and Tricks
Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Release date: Tuesday, 21.01.14 - Due date: Sunday, 26.01.14, 23:59
[8 Points] |
a) Iterative and incremental development goes together. Nevertheless it is useful to understand the distinction. Describe each with one sentence:
b) One might argue that with an Aspect-oriented language, some work can be done incrementally that was done iteratively before. Give us an example of how this might be true. (2-4 sentences)
c) Does Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) make it easier to work iteratively and incrementally? Give us a reason for your opinion. (2-4 sentences)
d) Let's assume that you decided to work with MDE. Describe what you could do to work as iteratively and incrementally as possible. (3-10 sentences)
16 points |
In the lecture we claimed that the principle of feedback1) is really at the heart of any Agile process. This principle is primarily directed towards the way the development teams work2), but how effective it is depends as well on how fast and how substantial the acquired feedback is.
Tell us how you expect the technologies presented in the ATSC to affect the speed and quality of the feedback the team can get about its work? (For each technology 2-3 sentences about: Affected kind of information & why? Faster or slower feedback & why? More or less substantial feedback & why?)
18 Points |
a) Give us a definition of “waste” in the sense of Lean Production or Lean Software Development. (1-3 sentences)
b) Give us an example of “waste” in Software Development. (2-5 sentences)
c) For many of the technologies presented in the lecture one could argue that they have a potential of creating waste as well as of eliminating waste / creating value. For each of the technologies describe either how it could produce waste or how it eliminates waste. (2-5 sentences for each of the 16 technologies, at least 6 positive and at least 6 negative)
Use the following list of technologies for the tasks 59 and 60. For the exam preparation we will create a more detailed list.