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Requirements to get admittance to the written exam

In short:

50% of the possible points for the exercises. The points are acquired by presenting the solutions in the small exercise groups.

In more detail:

  • You work in a group of three or four students.
  • The submission is via the repository.
  • Regular attendance to the exercises by all group members.
    • You will meet with your tutor in the week following the deadline.
    • Points will be tracked individually.
    • The whole group has to attend the meeting with the tutor. If you are not there you get zero points.
    • Each group member has to be able to present the solution. You can only get points for tasks that you can explain.
    • No explanation from you = Zero points.
  • Still, we recommend that you solve the assignments together.
  • 50% of the points of the total points from all the assignments are required to get admitted to the exam.

Formal Conditions on Your Submissions

For technical information see below.

Your tutor has to read through many solutions. His work is much easier, if everyone follows some conventions.
Therefore he is only allowed to accept submitted solutions, if they fulfill the following formal requirements:

  • Solutions are placed in the SVN folder,
    where XX is your group number (twice!) and YY is the number of the assignment.
    For your convenience we created this folders already.
  • Please submit your solutions to the exercises as plain text or as PDF.
  • You are free to work with your favorite UML modeling tool. Models may as well be submitted as PNG.
  • In case you work with Astah Community, you may as well submit Astah files.

Exercise meetings

Your received your group number, time and location1) by mail. Here is a list of the time slots of the exercise meetings:

Day of Week Time Location Group Tutor
Monday15:00 - 15:25B-IT, Room 1.3218Stefan
Monday15:00 - 15:25B-IT, Room 1.3219Christian
Monday15:30 - 15:55B-IT, Room 1.3220Stefan
Monday15:30 - 15:55B-IT, Room 1.3221Christian
Monday16:00 - 16:25B-IT, Room 1.3222Stefan
Monday16:00 - 16:25B-IT, Room 1.3223Christian
Monday17:00 - 17:25B-IT, Room 1.3214Stefan
Monday17:30 - 17:55B-IT, Room 1.3216Stefan
Tuesday11:00 - 11:25B-IT, Room 1.3202Stefan
Tuesday11:00 - 11:25B-IT, Room 1.3201Christian
Tuesday11:30 - 11:55B-IT, Room 1.3204Stefan
Tuesday11:30 - 11:55B-IT, Room 1.3203Christian
Tuesday13:30 - 13:55B-IT, Room 1.3206Stefan
Tuesday13:30 - 13:55B-IT, Room 1.3205Christian
Tuesday14:00 - 14:25B-IT, Room 1.3210Stefan
Tuesday14:00 - 14:25B-IT, Room 1.3207Christian
Tuesday14:30 - 14:55B-IT, Room 1.3209Christian
Wednesday11:30 - 11:55Römerstraße 164, Room A10608Stefan
Wednesday12:00 - 12:25Römerstraße 164, Room A10612Stefan
Thursday08:30 - 08:55B-IT Room, 1.3217Christian
Thursday09:00 - 09:25B-IT Room, 1.3211Christian
Thursday09:30 - 09:55B-IT Room, 1.3213Christian


  • Development Environment (Also recommend for SVN access.)

AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT)

We will use AspectJ to do Aspect Oriented Programming.

The AspectJ Development Tools for Eclipse consists of AspectJ as well as some AspectJ-specific extensions to Eclipse (code completion, a cross references view where you can see which methods get advised, etc.)

In the previous years there were conflicts between the “Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers” and the AJDT, therefore we recommend to work with "Eclipse Standard 4.3.1".3)

To install them into Eclipse:

  1. Open “Help » Install New Software…”
  2. Enter this update URL:
  3. Install the “AspectJ Development Tools (required)”
  4. The “Cross References tool (XRef)” in “Other AJDT Tools (Optional)” is helpful as well.

Subversive Team Provider in Eclipse Kepler

  • For installation drag this icon: onto your Menubar in Eclipse
    • “Confirm >” the installation of the Subversive - SVN Team Provider feature
    • After the Eclipse restart, when you switch to the “SVN Perspective” for the first time you are asked to install a SVN connector. Choose the latest SVNKit as connector (it is OS-independent).

Access to your Group Repository

After the installation of the Subversion Client you should configure the access to the repository where you will store your exercises.

  1. In Eclipse, go to the menu entry Window → Open Perspective → SVN Repository Exploring
  2. … choose New Repository Location in the context menu of the SVN Repository View which just appeared
  3. … a window will open. Enter the following:
Ok, Excel played a joke on us and increased the room numbers. So, in the mail we might have mentioned a higher room number. We are currently only using 1.32 and A106.
The “Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers” doesn't seem to work properly together with the AJDT.
Our unverified hypothesis is that both distributions try to replace the standard Java compiler.
teaching/lectures/atsc/2013/assignments.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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