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KGA General Information


Time Tue, 16.15 - 17:45
Date Weekly, from October 18 to February 7 (except for November 1 and the winter break)
Place Room A207, on the second floor of the AVZ, Römerstr. 164.
Language English
Lecturer Dr. Asja Fischer, Prof. Jens Lehmann, Dr. Hajira Jabeen


Time Tue, 14.15 - 15:45
Date Weekly, from November 8 to February 7 (except for November 1 and the winter break)
Place Room A207, on the second floor of the AVZ, Römerstr. 164.
Language English
Lecturer Dr. Asja Fischer, Prof. Jens Lehmann, Dr. Hajira Jabeen


In this seminar students can deepen the knowledge gained in the lecture by individually working
on recently published research papers and presenting them in the end of the semester.

Time Tue, 10.15 - 11:45
Dates — soon to come —
Place Room A121, on the fist floor of the AVZ, Römerstr. 164.
Language English
Lecturer Dr. Asja Fischer, Prof. Jens Lehmann, Dr. Hajira Jabeen


This course gives an Introduction to Knowledge Graph Analysis.


teaching/lectures/kga/2016/start.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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