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Assignment 1: Objects and Classes

Due at Thursday, April 30th, 23:59

(As soon as we publish the assignments on time, the deadline will be Wednesday 11:00.)

If you face technical difficulties or have problems understanding the assignment, ask us for help!

You can mail to one of the tutors, Matthias or Boris

You find information about the recommended working environment and about how to access your group repository on the general assignments page.
How to draw an Object Diagram? Create a Class Diagram with Jude. In the middle of the tool bar you find the “InstanceSpecification” and directly next to it the “Link”. This are the ingredients of an Object Diagram. For an instance of an Association Class it is ok to place it just next to the corresponding link, as it seems to be impossible to connect it with the link. (Other solutions are welcome, but be ready to explain how it should be. If you don't use Jude, but provide a PDF or PNG, this is OK this time as well.)

Task 2: Class Diagrams

4 points
Countries and Capitals
Persons as Employees and Family Members

Give us for for each of the two class diagrams above:

  • An object diagram that is compatible with the class diagram. The object diagrams should contain at least four objects each.
  • A variation of your object diagram that does violate the class diagram.

Task 3: Association Classes

4 points
Two ways to model employment
Two ways to model appointments

Give us for each of the four class diagrams above object diagrams that are compatible with the class diagram. For the fourth class diagram we want to see an object diagram that is not compatible with the third class diagram.

Task 4: Matching class and object diagrams

4 points
The sample solution is online.

The deadline for this task is soft! Ideally you submit the result till Thursday night, but it is enough if you have the list ready when you meet your tutor. You will need to explain your solution. The tutor will decide how many points you get according to your understanding. (This means you might get points for wrong answers if you give good reasons for your answer. As well you might get no points for a correct answer if you can't explain your solution.) Here comes the task in two sections:

Have a look at the following class diagrams (on the left) and object diagrams (on the right). Give us for each object diagram the class diagrams it could be an instance of. (For example you could prepare a list like “1:a,b,d 2:b 3:e,f”.)

Again have a look at the following class diagrams (on the left) and object diagrams (on the right). Give us for each object diagram the class diagrams it could be an instance of.

teaching/lectures/oosc/2009/assignment_1.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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