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Assignment 3: Requirements Analysis

Due at Thursday, May 14th, 23:59

Optional: OOP Tutorial

no points, much insight

Since some of you might want to refresh or build up their Java skills for the upcoming programming exercises, we've uploaded a tutorial focusing on Javas OOP features for you to practice. We recommend to solve this tutorial in the next two weeks. You should as well consider that everybody of you does this tutorial. Doing it together while sitting at the same computer might be an option, too.


In the last task, you developed a Use Case Model from the requirements. The following diagram shows our version of it:

Please use this a a starting point for the next tasks.

Task 6: Domain Object Model

4 points

Generate a class diagram depicting our domain. Analyze the use case descriptions with Abbott's textual analysis to identify the domain objects for the diagram.

Task 7: Analysis Object Model

8 points
Matthias and Boris elaborated some slides explaining the creation of an analysis object model based on what Daniel presented on the whiteboard during the lecture and based on an example that we used in the ATSC.

Now that you have both the Use Case and Domain Object Model, complete your analysis by creating an Analysis Object Diagram using the three stereotypes presented in the lecture.

  • To identify possible Entities, look at your class diagram from Task 6. Abbot's method tends to identify mostly this stereotype, but you might also find some boundaries here.
  • Each Use Case is a good candidate for a Controller.
  • Also look at the connections between Use Cases and Actors, they probably imply a yet unmodeled Boundary.

Put all your findings in a new Class Diagram in JUDE, but don't create classes with stereotypes. Instead, represent Boundaries, Controllers and Entities by their respective symbols:

For more information about the stereotypes, see the slides 33-35 from the lecture.

Boundaries should talk to controllers, controllers should talk to entities, controllers might talk to boundaries, entities may only talk to entities.

To see how those diagrams might look like when finished, take a look this example from last year's ATSC:

teaching/lectures/oosc/2009/assignment_3.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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