Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Due at Friday, May 14th, 23:59 |
You are developing software for different independent Bike Rental Outlets. Your team has already completed a use case diagram together with potential clients. Only some outlets offer to sell bikes, all other don’t need the use cases of the package “bike sale”. That's why EstimateMarketValue is implemented as am extension use-case.
Here you find the flow of events of the use cases. The following mock-up illustrates the interface of the rental outlet:
Please use this as a starting point for the next tasks.
4 points |
Generate a class diagram depicting our domain. Analyze the use case descriptions with Abbott's textual analysis to identify the domain objects for the diagram.
8 points |
Now that you have both the Use Case and Domain Object Model, complete your analysis by creating an Analysis Object Diagram using the three stereotypes presented in the lecture.
Put all your findings in a new Class Diagram in astha, but don't create classes with stereotypes. Instead, represent Boundaries, Controllers and Entities by their respective symbols:
For more information about the stereotypes, see the slides 3-11 from the second Requirements Analysis Lecture II.
Boundaries should talk to controllers, controllers should talk to entities, controllers might talk to boundaries, entities may only talk to entities.
4 points |
Analyze the StartBikeMaintance, EndBikeMaintance and EstimateMarketValue use cases (resp. the corresponding Control classes) with an activity diagram.
You must model this as one activity, since astah only offers actions as model elements in activity diagrams.
Hint: You find the basics of activity diagrams in slides 52-57 of the second UML lecture. You can use partitions to group the actions that to belong to one analysis class together. (Just use the partitions elements offered in astah or read here.)