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Assignment 11: Exam Preparation

Release date: Tuesday, 05.06.11 - Due date: Sunday, 10.07.11, 23:59

Task 1: Solution for all Assignments (Optional)


If you write assignments, you should be aware of academical standards (correct referencing, citations, justification and identifier naming ofc,..). To give you a glimse how to write scientific papers we have prepared a short tutorial for you. You can find it in the SVN in group00.

  • Considering the mentioned steps, write a short handwritten abstract about the topics mentioned in the lecture.
  • Prepare further a list of your questions for the last exercise group.
  • (non-optional) Don't forget to bring cookies aswell.
  • ;-)

Good luck and best wishes for the final exam,
Your OOSC-Team.

teaching/lectures/oosc/2011/assignment_11.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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