Software Engineering for Smart Data Analytics & Smart Data Analytics for Software Engineering
Release date: Monday, 16.05.11 - Due date: Sunday, 22.05.11, 23:59
4 points |
A company has been ordered to design the software for a cash register. It should contain the following elements:
The flow of events for a single purchase is the following:
Provide a class diagram depicting domain object model of the software described above.
Derive the analysis object model for this domain object model.
4 points |
When you take a look at the Analysis Object Model of the Bike Rental Outlet project from assignment 4 task 3, you might consider Model-View-Controller (MVC) as an appropriate architectural style to design the overall system.
Please describe your design in order to realize the mentioned analysis object model, in particular the views and controllers. (Up to 10 sentences, describing how the analysis model corresponds to the architecture, including the responsibilities of the parts of the system and how they interact.)
4 points |
Discuss, why the MVC architectural design violates or fulfills the following design goals:
3 points |
Give brief definitions of the following concepts of modularization: