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Assignment 01: Hello OOSC!

Release date: Tuesday, 08.04.14 - Due date: Sunday, 13.04.14, 23:59

Due date for Task 01: Thursday, 10.04.14 (evening)

Please, remember to prepend your email subject by “[OOSC]” for emails which are directly sent to us.
Otherwise, we won't read your emails.
Of course we need just one answer per group and task. :-) Side note to Task 03: If you don't like the code in, feel free to do your own version. The test should still be the same. Additional tests are of course fine. Have fun :-)

Task 01: Exercise Organization & Self Introduction

6 points

Send the information below until Thursday 10.04.14 (evening)

Exercise Organization

In order to set up the exercises you have to team up with three (including you) of your colleagues. The exercises will take place in room 1.32 of the b-it building. Time slots will be assigned to each group individually. To apply for a time slot write an Email holding the information below. The assigned time slot for your group will be announced per mail. The regular exercise groups will start on next Tuesday, 15.04.14.

Exercise Slots

Day Begin End
Tuesday10:15 10:55
Tuesday11:00 11:40
Tuesday13:30 14:10
Tuesday14:15 14:55
Tuesday15:00 15:40
Tuesday15:45 16:25

Copy the following text into an email, add your data, sort the times according to your preferences and send it to Make sure that one and only one of your group members sends this email per group:

Please use the subject “[OOSC] Timeslots for OOSC”

== Give us the following data of the three members of your group: ==

first name;        surname;   matriculation number; email address
Mr. Max Christian; Sampleman; 08154711;   
Mr. John Q.;       Public;    97846123;   
Ms. Jane;          Doe;       41255112;   

== Sort the following time slots according to your preferences ==
(The time you like most comes first. Please provide at least three possible time slots.)

Tuesday 09:30
Tuesday 10:15
Tuesday 11:00

Tuesday 13:30
Tuesday 14:15
Tuesday 15:00
Tuesday 15:45

Self Introduction

Copy the following text into an email, add your information and send it to

Please use the subject “[OOSC] Hello OOSC”

== Please let us know a bit about where you come from and about your knowledge ==

first name;        surname;   country;  bachelor degree major
Mr. Max Christian; Sampleman; Albania;  Applied Mathematics
Mr. John Q.;       Public;    Belgium;  Business Informatics
Ms. Jane;          Doe;       Cyprus;   Computer Science

first name;        surname;   UML; Java; Other programming languages
Mr. Max Christian; Sampleman; 0;   3;    Ada
Mr. John Q.;       Public;    2;   0;    Basic
Ms. Jane;          Doe;       1;   3;    C++, Delphi, Erlang, Fortran, Groovy, Haskell

Please use the following codes for your level of expertise:
0 = no knowledge, 1 = beginner, 2 = worked with, 3 = solid understanding, 4 = fluent

We are asking for your country only out of curiosity :-) If you don't want to tell it to us, leave it out. The other information is meant to give us a rough idea of the available background knowledge.

What will we do with your information?

Subscribe you to the mailing list

To ease the communication with us or your fellow students, we subscribe your mail address to the lecture’s mailing list. There you can ask questions concerning the assignments or the lecture. They should be answered as fast as possible by us or other students. We are happy to answer your questions. Do not count on us answering emails on the weekend.

Create a SVN account

We provide the lecture slides in our subversion repository. You will submit your solutions as well via the subversion repository. As soon as you received your SVN password, you may set up your access.

Create a knowledge overview

We will collect the information about country, bachelor degree majors and programming language knowledge in an Excel sheet so that we have an overview of the knowledge of the participants. If we think the information might be interesting to everyone, we publish it in anonymous form.

Task 02: Software Vision

5 points

Describe a software system that you would like to develop on your own or in a team. You are completely free. You may describe something completely unrealistic or even something that you already developed.

Some questions for your inspiration: Who will be using the software? In what situations? On what kind of hardware? How does the user interface look like? Are there other interfaces? What kind of information is processed by the software? What about reliability, performance, security, safety, supportability? Who is operating the software? Who developed the software? Do you have an idea about the technologies used?

Copy the following example text into an email, change it to describe your vision and send it to

Please use the subject “[OOSC] Software Vision”

== My Software Vision ==
Name of Software: cloud BAKERY 2100

Description: The “cloud BAKERY 2100” is a production and vending machine, which is meant to 
connect to the cloud. It allows customers to order baked goods via their mobile phones. 
During the ordering process the customer has to authenticate herself. Once the order is complete, 
the system informs the credit card company to charge the customer’s credit card. Later on, 
the system autonomously starts the production of the baked goods, so that they are ready at the 
time specified in the order. The customer can retrieve the baked goods from the delivery interface 
of the machine, again accessing the machine via her mobile phone. Again, the customer needs to 
authenticate for this. The “cloud BAKERY 2100” is placed in supervised locations. If it is out 
of ingredients a maintainer is called.

The team: Anna knows how to develop mobile applications, Bernd knows how to setup a server hosted 
at an Internet Service Provider, Claudia is the daughter of a baker and contributed the baking 
domain knowledge.

The technology: Native application on Android device, Java application on the server, Communication 
with a proprietary protocol via HTTP, Specialized hardware built from regular baking ovens and 
of-the-shelf PCs.

We would like to get at least 10 sentences. Feel free to add more information. :-) Give your fancy full scope.

We intend to publish your descriptions on the wiki to share it with the other students. Let us know, whether we should mention your names together with your vision.

Task 03: Programming Roman Numerals

6 points
  1. Download the following ZIP file:
  2. Import the project: File → Import… | General → Existing Projects into Workspace | Next > | Select Archive File … 1) | Finish
  3. Run the test Right Click on the file | Run As > JUnit Test2)
  4. Complete the implementation in (Re-run the test every now and then to check your progress.3))

Copy into a mail and send it to

Please use the subject “[OOSC] Programming Roman Numerals”


teaching/lectures/oosc/2014/assignment_01.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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