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Assignments will be published here in the Wiki. Related files will be found in the SVN. New assignments are published on Wednesday, the submission deadline is Sunday at 23:59.

Requirements to get admittance to the written exam

  • Join an exercise group of three students.
  • The submission is via the repository.
  • Regular attendance to the exercises by all group members.
    • You will meet with your tutor in the week following the deadline.
    • Points will be tracked individually.
    • The whole group has to attend the meeting with the tutor. If you are not there you get zero points.
    • Each group member has to be able to present the solution. You can only get points for tasks that you can explain.
    • No explanation from you = Zero points.
  • Still, we recommend that you solve the assignments together.
  • 50% of the points of the total points from all the assignments are required to get admitted to the exam.

Formal Conditions on Your Submissions

For technical information see Tools.

Your tutor has to read through many solutions. His work is much easier, if everyone follows some conventions.
Therefore he is only allowed to accept submitted solutions, if they fulfill the following formal requirements:

  • Solutions are placed in the SVN folder,
    where XX is your group number (twice!) and YY is the number of the assignment.
    For your convenience we created this folders already.
  • Please submit your solutions to the exercises as plain text or as PDF.
  • You are free to work with your favorite UML modeling tool. Models may as well be submitted as PNG.
  • In case you work with Astah Community, you may as well submit Astah files.

Exercise meetings

Day of Week Time Location Group Tutor
Tuesday09:30 - 10:10B-IT, Room 1.3201Christian
Tuesday09:30 - 10:10B-IT, Room 1.3202Stefan
Tuesday10:15 - 10:55B-IT, Room 1.3203Christian
Tuesday10:15 - 10:55B-IT, Room 1.3204Stefan
Tuesday11:00 - 11:40B-IT, Room 1.3205Christian
Tuesday11:00 - 11:40B-IT, Room 1.3206Stefan
Tuesday13:30 - 14:10B-IT, Room 1.3207Christian
Tuesday13:30 - 14:10B-IT, Room 1.3208Stefan
Tuesday14:15 - 14:55B-IT, Room 1.3209Christian
Tuesday14:15 - 14:55B-IT, Room 1.3210Stefan
Tuesday15:00 - 15:40B-IT, Room 1.3211Christian
Tuesday15:00 - 15:40B-IT, Room 1.3212Stefan

Weekly schedule

Day of Week Event Participants
Tuesday Assignment publication (Covering topics from this Tuesday and previous Thursday) Lecturer, Tutors
Assignment discussions (Your solution from last week) Tutors, Students
Lecture presentation (Slide publication) Lecturer, Students
Thursday1) Lecture presentation (Slide publication) Lecturer, Students
Sunday 23:59 Assignment deadline (for assignment form Tuesday) Students
Not every week. Please consult the detailed Schedule
teaching/lectures/oosc/2014/assignments.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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