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Seminar on Research Topics in Program Comprehension and -Measurements

Prof. Dr. Armin B. Cremers, Daniel Speicher, Jan Nonnen, Paul Heckmann

Further pages: Topics - Tools for your research - Paper Evaluation - :sec: Internal


Current research topics in software engineering in the context of program comprehension and software measurements.

  • Mining concepts and regularities in source code using data- and concept mining approaches.
  • Classical models in program comprehension and cost estimation of software requirements or artifacts.
  • Different means for code quality evaluation.

Have a look at the page with detailed topic descriptions.


You get

  • a description of the topic you should address,
  • a list of initial articles,
  • feedback on your intermediate and final results.

Your task is to

  • study the literature thoroughly,
  • find further research literature on the topic,
  • write a seminar paper that summarizes the literature and discusses the topic
  • present your result during the block seminar.
  • This is a block seminar, i.e. the presentations take place at one day.
    • 45 minutes talk plus 15 minutes discussion.
  • Module MA-3220, Points: 4 CP (Sem 2)

Important Dates

  • Write us a mail, in case you are interested in the seminar.
  • Orientation meeting:
    • 12.11.2012, 10:40
    • Location: Room 1.31 in the B-IT
  • Topic distribution: Next week
  • 30. November 2012: selection of possible further literature
  • 06. December 2012: short summary of selected literature, outline of the paper
  • 20. December 2012: first rough version of the paper
  • 07. January 2013: first version of the presentation slides
  • Seminar: 12. January, 2013
    • This is as well the deadline for the first version of you paper.
  • Final deadline for your paper: 20. February 2013

Seminar Paper

Regarding your seminar paper the following two criteria need to be met:

  • 8 pages
  • the paper should summarize your presentation properly and completely

Use our LaTeX template: Link
Further information on how to write the paper you can find here: Criteria for the evaluation of your paper.

Slide Templates

Talk Schedule

Time Talk
09:00 Introduction, Organization
09:30 Measuring and Improving Code Readability
10:30 Code Structure Definition and Verification
11:30 FCA in Software Engineering
12:30 Break
13:30 Classical models in program comprehension
14:30 Developer Awareness and Working Habits
15:30 Cost estimation of software requirements or artifacts


Supervisor E-mail Tel Room
Daniel Speicher (0228) 73-4315 A109
Jan Nonnen (0228) 73-4276 A107
Paul Heckmann (0228) 73-6528 A109
teaching/seminars/rtpcm/2012/start.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/09 01:59 (external edit)

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